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“SLEEP ZONE® Charity” was born!

This post was originally posted on our Fanpage:


♥️Amid the cold season, we helped a couple of families that are living with hardships by adding warmth with our products. This inspired us to think, why not start a charity program that will help more families and people in need? Thus, “SLEEP ZONE® Charity” was born, and we want to let our wonderful customers and fans to know that we have your backs and are looking out for you!

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Our program will be doing the following in the upcoming year:

1.) Family Drive: providing for 10 families’ bedding needs for the entire year.

2.) Sleep Drive:
giving out 100+ products to families living below the line.

3.) A Kid’s Wish: Make 10 kids’ Christmas wishes come true.

4.) Community Drive:

partnering up with other charity programs to help larger groups of people.

We will provide more details as we head into 2020. You can contribute to our cause by sharing our mission to your friends and families and helping us grow so we can help more families and people in need!

#SleepZone #SleepBetter #NanoTex #NanoTechnology #SleepCooler #SleepZoneCharity #Hope #giving #warmth




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