Botanic Garden 02/03

Maca loves being able to express her emotionsthrough drawing. She always does it on whatever surface she has near. She ispassionate about watercolor drawing. She especially enjoys a lot observe the flowersand their different shapes, textures and colors, this is her greatest source of inspiration.
She likes to travel a lot and visit thedifferent gardens of each city where she goes to be inspired.Her hobbie is nail art, she likesto transmit her prints to small surfaces.
Fashion and textile designer
Macarena Zecchin
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Fashion and textile designer
Macarena Zecchin
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Maca loves being able to express her emotionsthrough drawing. She always does it on whatever surface she has near. She ispassionate about watercolor drawing. She especially enjoys a lot observe the flowersand their different shapes, textures and colors, this is her greatest source of inspiration.
She likes to travel a lot and visit thedifferent gardens of each city where she goes to be inspired.Her hobbie is nail art, she likesto transmit her prints to small surfaces.