Tips Every Sleep Deprived Person Needs to Know!

Having a problem with your sleep schedule? Regardless of the reason why your 24-hour sleep-wake cycle is thrown off in the first place – from jet lag, pulling intense all-nighters to rotating shift work, and more – we have some good news for you! This problem can be fixed!

Need to learn some tips on resetting your internal body clock to get back on track? Read on to learn more!

Let in The Morning Sun

According to various studies, sunlight is an important trigger that helps animals, plants, and humans alike reset our circadian clock daily.

So, one of the easiest ways to fix your sleep schedule is to fall back to the regular natural cycle of falling asleep when the sky gets dark and waking up when the day breaks.

Instead of shuttering your windows with blinds and blackout curtains, keep them unfettered so that the morning sun can creep through and help cue your body to wake up naturally – imagine a natural alarm clock.

Avoid Blue Light at Night

Electronic devices like our computers, mobile phones, and tv screens are the primary emitters of blue light. And many of us are guilty of exposing ourselves to blue light while we wind down in bed.

Why is that bad for sleep? According to studies by Harvard researchers, blue light compared to any other form of light has the most impact on suppressing melatonin – a hormone that helps us regulate our circadian rhythm – resulting in shorter and poorer sleep.

So, what can we do? The best tip would be to avoid using such electronic devices and screens a few hours before bed. However, if that is practically not possible, you can consider using blue-light blocking glasses or install filters on your screens that block out the blue wavelengths.

Limit Caffeine Intake 

Coffee lovers: It is time to choose between your favourite drink and sleep!

Caffeine, whether in the form of coffee, or other caffeinated drinks like teas and sodas, is meant to boost your energy levels, and hence tends to have the negative side effect of resulting in poor sleep quality and quantity.

If you cannot give up on caffeine entirely, we get it! But do make sure you avoid any caffeine intake after noon, to make sure you give your body sufficient time to expel the substance from your system before night-time.

Optimize Your Sleeping Environment

According to the Sleep Foundation, a relaxing sleeping or bedroom environment is critical for a good quality sleep. 

Creating a relaxing sleeping bedroom environment can take many forms:

  • Keeping the temperatures cooling – whether by using the thermostat or wearing lighter clothes to bed

  • Using white noise, ambient sounds, or music to encourage sleep and keep out noise disturbances that could potentially disrupt quality sleep

  • Using soothing fragrances like lavender oil can help you feel more relaxed during bedtime

  • Choosing a comfortable mattress and having fresh quality bedding can help promote better sleep 

    - Try out Sleep Zone’s advanced temperature regulation Classic NanoTex Cooling Sheet Set! 

Have more useful tips about fixing a sleep schedule that has gone haywire? Let us know in the comments below.


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