Have you ever changed your sheets and noticed yellow stains on your mattress? Even if you're not a toddler who still wets the bed or someone who eats and drinks in bed, these stains can still appear. They might take the form of big, evenly yellowed areas or smaller spots that look like they were caused by spilled liquid. But how do they get there, and is it safe to sleep on a mattress with yellow stains? And most importantly, how can you get rid of them? Don't worry – in this article, we'll explore the causes of yellow stains on mattresses and provide tips on how to clean and prevent them.
What causes yellow stains on mattress?
Yellow stains on mattresses can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the most common causes is sweat, which can leave behind a yellowish hue due to the urea and other chemicals it contains. Yes, that's right – urea is not only found in human urine, but also in our sweat, blood, bile, and perspiration. This is why your mattress may look like it has been wetted, even if you haven't had an accident in bed.
In addition to sweat, dust, dirt, and oils from your body can accumulate on your mattress over time and contribute to yellowing. As you sleep, your body sheds dead skin cells and natural oils, which can penetrate your sheets and settle on your mattress. Dust and dirt from the surrounding environment can also accumulate on your mattress, and these substances can mix with body sweat and oil to form yellowish stains that become more visible over time.
Other culprits of yellow stains include bodily fluids such as urine, blood, and even vomit. And of course, if you eat or drink in bed, spills or crumbs can leave behind stains that can turn yellow over time. Finally, exposing your mattress, especially latex ones, to sunlight or using improper cleaning methods can also cause yellow discoloration.
Will sleeping on a mattress with yellow stains harm your health?
Sleeping on a mattress with yellow stains does not necessarily pose a health risk. However, it is important to keep your mattress clean to prevent the accumulation of allergens and bacteria that can negatively impact your health. According to a study by the Sleep Council in the UK, it is recommended to replace mattresses every 7 years as they found that older mattresses can contain up to 10 million dust mites. Additionally, if the yellow stains are caused by bodily fluids such as urine or blood, there is a potential risk of exposure to pathogens. In general, it is recommended to regularly clean your mattress to create a healthy sleeping environment for you and your family.
How to remove yellow stains from the mattress?
After conducting extensive research, our Sleep Zone Staff has discovered and tested the most effective and easiest method for cleaning mattresses from various sources, which we have outlined below.
Supplies you need:
- Vaccuum with crevice tool
- Baking Soda
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Clear Liquid Dish Soap
- Large Spray Bottle
- Cleaning rags/scrubbing sponges
- Gloves, mask, and goggles
Step 1: Protect Yourself
Before you begin cleaning your mattress, make sure to wear protective gear like gloves, a mask, and goggles to prevent exposure to dust and caustic cleaner.
Step 2: Remove Beddings
Remove the bed sheets or any mattress topper or pads. To maximize efficiency, you can launder your bedsheet, duvet covers, and pillowcases while deep cleaning your mattress.
Step 3: Vacuum the Mattress
Next, use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool attachment to vacuum the entire surface of the mattress. This will help remove any, dust, hair, and debris that may be trapped in the fibers of the mattress.
Step 4: Apply Stain Remover
Once you have vacuumed the mattress, it's time to make your stain remover. Combine 7 oz of hydrogen peroxide, 3 tbsp of baking soda, and 1 tsp of clear dish soap in a large spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle for a good amount of time so that the ingredients can mix well. Then, spray each yellow stain evenly. If necessary, use a scrubbing sponge to gently rub the surface.
Step 5: Blot the Stain
After applying the stain remover, use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the stain gently. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can push it deeper into the mattress fibers and make it more difficult to remove.
Step 5: Let it Dry
Allow the stain remover to dry completely before moving on to the next step. This may take several hours, so be patient and avoid putting bedding back on the mattress until it is completely dry. You can use a fan or dehumidifier to accelerate the drying process, but it is optional. If the weather is good, you can also move your mattress outdoors, but do not expose your latex mattress directly to sunlight.
Step 6: Add a Mattress Topper
To prevent future yellow stains on your expensive mattress, you can add a high-quality mattress topper on top of the mattress by investing a relatively small amount of money compared to buying a brand new mattress. Not only are mattress toppers easy to remove and machine wash, but they can also enhance your sleeping condition by providing extra cushion and support.
Protect your mattress with Sleep Zone
In conclusion, a yellow-stained mattress is not only unsightly, but it can also pose a health hazard. Fortunately, by following these simple steps, you can clean a yellow stain on your mattress and prevent it from happening again. Additionally, for added protection and comfort, you may consider investing in a Sleep Zone mattress topper. With our NANOTEX moisture-wicking technology, the mattress topper can regulate your body temperature throughout the night, making it the perfect solution for a clean, comfortable, and healthy sleep.